Oh, it can be used for much more than just dressing salads, my friends. This cheap, all-natural kitchen staple can help make you b-e-a-utiful. It's been used for centuries for a variety of things, but lately I've been using it as a all-natural hair conditioner and facial toner... and I though I'd share!
Harsh soaps and chemical-laden shampoos strip hair and skin of its natural
oils, which leaves you feeling dry all over (this can sometimes cause an overproduction of natural oils to make up for the dryness -- no good!). Apple Cider Vinegar, with it's ideal acidity level, counteracts that process and actually balances your skin and hair's natural pH levels. 
Now, you need to make sure that you get the good stuff though. Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ORACV) has the most benefits, due to it's inclusion of 'mother'. Mother is a dark, cloudy, foam that contains many minerals and trace elements such as
potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur,
copper, iron, silicon and fluorine, all vital for body health. I know, I know, it doesn't sound very pretty, but the effects of using it will be. I've been using Tree of Life Raw Organic ACV, but there are many great brands out there. You can find them at most health food stores and some grocers.
Natural Hair Conditioner Rinse
Months ago, I learned that ORACV can be used as a rinse for hair, so I've been using it once or twice a week since then. It removes product buildup, which clarifies hair and increases body. It also closes the hair cuticle so light reflects off of it...giving way to super shiny locks! It's like a hair recharger.
To relive smoother hair days, mix the equal parts ORACV and water together. After shampooing, pour the mixture into your
hair. If you have a spray bottle, that works even better. Massage it into your scalp.
Let the apple cider vinegar sit for a few minutes before
rinsing fully with water. You can finish with a light conditioning, but there's really no need to use conditioner. The apple cider
vinegar will leave hair feeling smooth and soft.
Natural Facial Toner
About two weeks ago, I started using ORACV as a morning and night toner. I heard somewhere (unfortunately, I can't remember) that it is good at combating acne and discoloration (both of which I had at the time). Also, because skin is naturally acidic, ORACV can help restore your skin's natural pH balance, leaving it at an optimum level between oily and dry. So far it has cleared up my small blemishes in record time (days instead of a week or more) and I feel it has even lightened some of my darker freckles and lessened my ruddiness. All wins, yippee!
To use as a daily toner, mix one part apple cider vinegar with two parts water (I like distilled). If you have really sensitive skin,
you may want to dilute the solution further. After naturally cleansing morning and night, I squirt a bit of the mixture on a cotton round and smooth all over my face. This will leave a light layer on the skin, locking in moisture. Don't worry, the vinegar
smell will dissipate after a few minutes. To finish, I lightly moisturize with Jojoba oil.
(Always remember to do a skin test first to make sure your skin is not too sensitive -- even with an extra diluted version. Place a
small amount on your neck and leave it on for 15 minutes. If you do
not see any reaction then you can apply it directly to your face.)
These are the two ways I use ORACV right now, but below are other interesting uses that I found...some that I can't wait to try!
For Sunburn Relief // Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath, and soak for 10 minutes.
As a Natural Aftershave (for the guys) // Fill a bottle
with equal parts apple cider vinegar and water, and shake before
applying to the face.
To Reduce Allergies and Illness // Research suggests that ORACV can help with allergies because of its ability to reduce
mucous and sinus congestion. When reducing the effects of allergies, it
can also help stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms
(sore throats and headaches). Drink at least 2 tablespoons mixed with 8 oz of water daily. You can also add a tablespoon of organic honey or stevia if it tastes too bitter for you. **
As a remedy for bad breath // Due to its antiseptic properties, it makes a wonderful
remedy for bad breath or halitosis. Simply add 2 teaspoons of ORACV into a
cup of water and gargle the mixture in your mouth for 10 seconds at a
time and spit the solution out. Repeat until the cup is empty.
To Eliminate Body Odor // It can help
adjust the skin's pH level which helps to eliminate odor-causing
bacteria. For armpit odor, simply wipe them once each morning with
undiluted apple cider vinegar (using a cotton ball). For foot odor, fill
a pan with warm water and add 1/3 cup of ACV, then let your feet soak
in this mixture for 15 minutes once per week.
To Alleviate Heartburn // Mix 2 tablespoons ORACV in 8 oz of water, taken three times a day before meals. **
AND EVEN As Flea Prevention on Pets // A mix of one part vinegar and one part water can be sprayed on your pets
fur and rubbed in generously to the skin. Saturate the entire coat, and
continue every day for a few days to a week. Any flea infestation should vanish.
Feel free you send me an email or post a comment below with any questions.
How do you use your Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar?
**Please consult a physician if you are taking any prescription medications or if you have any serious ailments,
before starting any oral ORACV regimen.