

A few of the blogs that I follow do reoccurring posts either about what they were wearing (like my friend Sara of The Lovely Lemon) or what their top 5 things of the week were, usually called High 5 For Friday. I love both of these ideas and may very well incorporate them into my blog in the future, but for right now I really love the posts titled 'Currently'. 

I first saw it on Sierra's blog Exceptionally Ordinary, who I believe found it from Sometimes Sweet.  I love it because it's a simple way for readers to find out a bit more about a blogger and for a blogger to randomly share..no planning, just writing. Anyhow, I thought I'd give it a go.

Loving...  ^^^ this little stinker!  After a long day of work, I love coming home to her and Phoenix, with their waggly little tails and their crazy jumps of joy. It warms my heart.

Watching...  Downton Abbey, Season 2: Episode 6.  What?!  I'm just being accurate.  :)

Eating...  home popped popcorn, of course!  I've always loved the snack, but thanks to my lovely friend Katie (who reminded me that you don't have to buy it in a bag covered in hydrogenated oils) my new favorite nighttime treat is a big bowl of popped goodness with a parmesan herb topping. YUM...and pretty healthy too!

Reading...  unfortunately, nothing.  I just finished The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which was really good.  It's an honest coming-of-age tale, somewhat like A Separate Peace or The Catcher in the Rye.  It's very real and very raw, and you can't help but ponder life for a bit after finishing.  If anyone has a suggestion for my next read, please do share!

Learning... to play my brandy new ukulele!  I always wanted to play the guitar but never did, and honestly being so petite made it kinda hard.  But the ukulele is the perfect size and has the happiest sound.  You just can't be mad while playing or listening to it. IMPOSSIBLE. So far I've learned 4 chords and 5 strumming styles, and I'm just trying to master those for now.  Brian gave it to me for Christmas and I've set a goal, to be able to play some actual songs like Over the Rainbow, by next Christmas.

Thinking about...  how fast time flies.  I mean, our parents always said it and we never believed them because, frankly, Christmas felt like it was every millennium not every 365 days... but really, every year goes by faster than the last it seems.  As part of my goal to live more authentically, I really want to make an effort this year to spend less time worrying about stuff that doesn't even matter in the overall scheme of things and more time savoring the good stuff.  The stuff of memories.  I believe time flies whether you're having fun or not.  So why not have fun, right?

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