

To be completely honest, I really wanted to hit the town last night and live up the last bits of 2012 in style...I mean, that's what it's all about, right?  
Brian and I ended up making dinner and relaxing at home with the pups until the ball dropped... and it was exactly where I wanted (and needed) to be.  

I think I just realized that it's not all about the sparkle you wear, the venue you visit, the fancy drinks you buy or the people you see...while those things are all nice...for me, it's really more about reflection and reevaluation.  
It's about celebrating your past triumphs and the challenges you overcame... BIG and SMALL.
It's about recognizing the goals that you haven't quite attained yet and making plans to do so... all, while still enjoying the journey.  
It's about relationships... reveling in time spent with those who really matter, those who support and encourage you.
It's about appreciating what you DO have everyday... and all of the things that life has to offer.
It's about renewing your spirit... physically, mentally, emotionally.  In my opinion, without a sound spirit we become unbalanced beings who cannot function properly.
And it's about being content in yourself, in this moment in time, and knowing that if you aren't living your life to the fullest, if you're not happy, then you have the chance and the power to change that.  And if you are happy...cherish it, nurture it and watch it grow. 
After all, tomorrow brings a whole new year.. A brand new story.

What will you write?
For me, I have one major goal... to LIVE more authentically.
All that means is being the realest me that I can... to eat, speak, listen and share more authentically... putting aside the designer, the blogger, the girlfriend...
to be nothing more than I am, just Katie.

With that, I wish all of you a happy, healthy and fulfilled 2013.

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