
Positive Thinking...

I know, I know...it's been over 2 weeks since my last post!  :/
Honestly, it only feels like 4 days... 

It really is true, time flies when you're having fun...or stressing about a wedding.  Ha!  In my case it has been a bit of both, hence this post. 

But whenever I find myself near the edge of anxiety city I like to take a look back at some of my saved positive thinking quotes on Pinterest. Unfortunately, I'm a neurotically organized control freak, and that (among other things - like a massage!) seems to put me back in a calmer state of mind, and I like that.

I thought I'd share a few with you. 

 Really, the wedding planning is going pretty well...

After a small breakdown about finding a venue (which worked out perfectly in the end), other aspects seem to be falling into place.  And even if we hit a snag once more, I just have to remember that there is always a solution, it just may take a new plan or perspective.

P.S. - next post = wedding updates  :) 


  1. Thanks for a great post. This is especially timely for me as I'm studying for my licensing exam and need to remember to think positive!

    1. Thanks, Sharon! I am glad you found it inspiring. :) And good luck with your exam, I'm sure you'll come out on top!!

      <3 Katie
