
get fit // Tone It Up: BIKINI SERIES

After our chilly, snowy winter (AKA my excuse to hibernate), I'm ready to get back into shape.  To be honest, I don't like not working out and/or eating healthy.  It makes me feel not great... specifically sluggish, self conscience and moody.  That's definitely not how I want to be, so for these reasons and more I'm jumping back in.

Over the past several weeks I've been starting to go for walk/runs again and doing toning exercises (using some DVDs that I own, but mostly videos on YouTube). In my search of good toning and interval training workouts on YouTube, I found Tone It Up.  TIU is a brand of fitness products, support community, DVDs, nutrition plans and workouts created by two best friends, Katrina Hodgson and Karena Dawn, who are Certified Personal Trainers and Nutrition Coaches.  Their goal is to help motivate and inspire women to get healthy and feel healthy, and to make it as uncomplicated as possible.

After trying a couple of their workouts and being too sore to sit... or walk... or just bend in general... the day after, I was hooked.  Luckily, nutrition is already one of my favorite things to research about, so I already have that knowledge... I just need to follow it more regularly, like I used to. Now, all I need is a fitness program to follow so I can effectively reach my toning goals.  I was lucky that at about the same time I was pondering all of this, TIU announced that they would be starting their annual #BIKINISERIES 8 week program in April.  

So here I am, signed up and ready to go.  

If you're like me and you just want a little "free" fitness structure to follow (in the comfort and privacy of your own home) you may want to consider joining in the #BIKINISERIES program, as well.  If that's not enough, the before and after pics of the TIU community members may motivate you to get moving. 

If you're interested, the program starts Monday, April 13th and includes...

8 Weeks of daily challenges & motivation,
FREE Weekly Workout videos on ToneItUp.com,
Weekly Prizes & Grand Prizes to Playa Del Carmen,
and more!

** Do keep in mind that while the workouts are no charge, 
they do offer optional, very detailed nutrition plans for a one time fee. **

 I've been getting ready with their Easter week schedule of workouts, including some from last year's BIKINI SERIES, and thought I'd share a few of my favorites that definitely make you "feel the burn".  


BIKINI SERIES ☀ Inner & Outer Thighs Routine!

Bikini ARMS Routine! BIKINI SERIES ☀

Bikini Abs Routine! BIKINI SERIES ☀

I also love me some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts, so here's a great one for that...

Love Your Body™ with HIIT! High Intensity Interval Training

 Let me know if you have a favorite TIU workout and/or if you're signing up for the 2015 BIKINI SERIES.  

Let's do it together!!

I am no way being paid or compensated to endorse Tone It Up or any of it's affiliates, I'm just pumped about this program and excited to share with others.  :)

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