
A Season of Change...

Change {for me} is always hard.  
But I will admit, it can also open up the way for new & exciting opportunities.  
Because of that, I try not to fear change so much.

If you've been following me then you'll know that Brian and I have two furry babies who we love so so much.  Unfortunately, our oldest, Phoenix, started to decline after our move to KY and we had to say goodbye a few weeks ago.  It was probably one of the hardest things we have ever had to do.

The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing he is now at peace and not struggling anymore.
Going through this life changing event left Lexi, our little one, a bit lost and sad {us too!}.  She has lived her whole life {except the first 8 weeks} with Phoenix and we knew she would be lonely without him.  In time, we decided we wanted to get another pup to keep her company.


Well, that day came last week when we brought home Harvey.

 He's such a sweet & spunky pup, and reminds us SO much of our Phoenix.  That's the main reason we just had to have him.  

He is getting used to his surroundings and even though it took Lexi and few days to figure out what he was..lol...they are now becoming fast friends.

We will forever miss our "Stinky" {Phoenix}, but we are looking forward to making new memories with Lexi and Harvey.


Amidst all of this, I have been on the job hunt and just this past Monday I accepted a new position doing something a little different and {I hope} fun.


If you're going through a hard time or a "season of change" as well, just remember to keep your chin up, think positively and know that there is a rainbow after every storm...even if it's not visible right away.

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